Destiny 2 Prophecy Dungeon Boost

Prophecy dungeon has complex mechanics and many enemies. You will need a team of 3 Guardians and good preparation to complete this dungeon. Complete puzzles and defeat boss Kell Echo at the end. This challenging dungeon will reward you with unique rewards.

If you don’t have time to learn the mechanics and it takes a long time to kill the boss, order Prophecy dungeon boost and our team will go across the whole dungeon to get rewards for you. Our professional boosters know the tactics for killing the boss, so we can do this faster. Thanks to our carry, you can get rewards quickly and make your Guardian even stronger.

Service Includes

  • Completed Prophecy Dungeon;
  • Weapons and weekly pinnacle gear from Prophecy Dungeon;
  • Everything that drops throughout the dungeon;
  • Unique ornaments and legendary loot;
  • Experience for your Season Pass and Artifact level.

You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.

Delivery Info

Estimated Start Time: 1-4 hours;
Estimated Completion time:

  • Normal: 2-4 hours;
  • Express: 1.5-3 hours;
  • Super Express: 1-2 hours.

If you pick Solo or Solo Flawaless options completion can need more time.

Additional Options

  • Only the Last Boss option – we will make only the last boss kill for you. The price is reduced by 40%.
  • Solo option – we will complete the Prophecy Dungeon Solo.
  • Solo Flawless completion – we will complete Prophecy Dungeon Solo Flawless.
  • Stream – you can watch the process online.


Destiny 2: Shadowkeep expansion.
If you want to higher power level please check our Power leveling boosting services.

How it Works

Prophecy dungeons have strong mobs and a boss that is not easy to kill. You need to know what to equip the Guardian to successfully complete the dungeon. You can buy Prophecy dungeon boost, and you don’t have to go through difficult parts to get rewards. If you play on PS and Xbox, you can also order you carry, but for this, you will need to turn off the Cross Save function, and our boosters can quickly begin fulfilling your order. Here’s what the process looks like:

  1. Select the additional options you want to be done.
  2. Choose one of two modes:
    1. In Self-play mode, you will temporarily become part of our experienced team that will go across a Prophecy dungeon with you, helping you obtain the most valuable rewards and achievements.
    2. In Piloted mode, the dungeon will be completed without your participation. You need to share your account information so that our verified player can finish the Prophecy dungeon and receive all the rewards.
  3. Pay for the service with a convenient payment method.
  4. Our custom manager will contact you 3-10 minutes after payment. Discuss all the details and set a schedule. You can also ask all your questions in our online chat, which works around the clock.
  5. When all the options are done and the Prophecy dungeon is completed, our custom manager will notify you. Share your impressions and leave feedback.
  6. Congratulations, you can now play with new equipment from Prophecy Dungeon.
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    Completion Speed:



star star star star star
Well Managed Overall
Orders are on time, and staff is super helpful if there’s an issue. Never had a...
Lewis W, 2 days ago
star star star star star
Best Ui and Checkout
Best UI and incredibly fast order processing. Always room for improvement, but they’re top-tier!
Grock, 2 days ago

How can you easily Solo Flawless completion of Prophecy?

Flawless completion of the Warlock class will be easier than in others. You definitely need to use a well of radiance and healing grenades to survive mob attacks.

What do you get for completing Prophecy dungeon?

From each encounter, you can get weapons and pinnacle reward. Here is the loot table:

Encounter Weapons Gear
First encounter: Phalanx Echo
  • Relentless Pulse Rifle
  • Prosecutor Assault Rifle
  • Trials of the Nine Leg Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Leg Armor
  • Trials of the Nine Class Item
  • Moonfang-X7 Class Item
Second encounter: Hexahedron
  • A Sudden Death Shotgun
  • Adjudicator Submachine Gun
  • Trials of the Nine Arm Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Arm Armor
Third encounter: Kell Echo
  • Moonfang-X7 Head Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Arm Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Chest Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Leg Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Class Item
Emissary chest
  • Judgement Hand Cannon
  • Darkest Before Pulse Rifle
  • Trials of the Nine Head Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Head Armor
  • Trials of the Nine Chest Armor
  • Moonfang-X7 Chest Armor
  • Trials of the Nine Class Item