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PVP & Gambit Services

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  • Be brave to enter Sundered Doctrine!
  • Conquer the latest dungeon with the pro team! Challenge complex bosses and solve tricky puzzles to gain unique loot!
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  • Rise to Glory at Trials of Osiris!
  • Fight alongside us in the most prestigious PvP challenge – claim exclusive rewards and prove your skill!
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  • Jump into Episode Heresy adventures!
  • Dive into the latest activities with our team for new Exotic and Legendary weapons and other PvP loot.
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  • Team up – Raid Challenges await!
  • Gather fireteam to get into ultimate raids! Experience thrilling battles, earn exclusive loot, and achieve victories together!
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🔥️ HOT
Banner's Bearer Shader
  • Banner's Bearer Shader
  • Iron Banner Reputation
  • Crucible Reputation
From $115
🔥️ HOT
Trials of Osiris
  • Guaranteed (7-0) Mercy Passage
  • Trials Memento
  • Trials armor pieces
From $12
🔥️ HOT
Crucible Competitive
  • High-stakes PvP mode
  • Unique weapons and armor
  • Cosmetic items
From $4
🔥️ HOT
The Summoner
  • Mid-range combat
  • PvP and PvE-ready
  • High versatility
From $7
🔥️ HOT
Trials of Osiris Loot Bundle
  • Trials of Osiris Loot Bundle
  • Unique Exotic rewards
  • 3 Adept Weapons
From $58
🔥️ HOT
Keen Thistle
  • Energy sniper rifle
  • Saint-14 reputation
  • Trials of osiris wins
From $7
Igneous Hammer
  • Igneous hammer
  • Trials of osiris tokens
  • World drop rewards
From $7
The Messenger
  • Legendary pulse rifle
  • Trials of osiris reward
  • High accuracy
From $7
  • Lightweight hand cannon
  • Kinetic weapon
  • Good weapon for PvP
From $15
Iron Banner Challenges
  • Earn pinnacle rewards
  • Iron banner loot
  • Limited-time PvP event
From $7.50
Gambit Rank
  • Gambit Ppoints
  • Infamy Ppoints
  • Random gambit gear
From $1.70
  • Exotic hand cannon
  • Perfect against Taken
  • Great for PvE and PvP
From $26
Flawless Triumphs Seal
  • Flawless title unlocked
  • Flawless trials of osiris
  • Trials gear rewards
From $29
Dredgen | Gambit Triumphs Seal
  • Dredgen title
  • Gambit rewards
  • Desired triumphs
From $15
The Valor Rank
  • Valor points
  • Materials and exotic gear
  • Exotic Engrams
From $0.54
Iron Banner Armor Set
  • Symmachy armor set
  • Iron banner engrams
  • Iron banner rank points
From $12
Shayura’s Wrath
  • Energy submachine gun
  • Wins in trials of osiris
  • Trials of osiris tokens
From $7
The Immortal
  • Kinetic submachine gun
  • Trials of osiris tokens
  • random loot drop
From $7
Iron Banner Bundle
  • 4x Iron Banner challenges
  • Symmachy Armor set
  • Crucible Reputation Points
From $149
Iron Banner Rank
  • Saladin's reputation rank
  • Limited-time loot
  • Resets each season
From $5
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Easy and straightforward, even a kid can handle it

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Destiny 2 PvP Boost

In Destiny 2, players can find lots of different PvP activities. You can participate in the Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, Crucible, and Gambit to drop some unique loot and increase your rank. Be ready to spend a lot of time completing the games and reading the guides, especially if you want to get the specified rewards. You can always rely on us and skip the boring farming, just buy the Destiny 2 PvP Boost Service, and we will take care of all instructions to get the best PvP weapons to your collection. Your order will take over the team with five years of experience in PvP activities in the Destiny 2 game.

Trials of Osiris

Trials of Osiris completely changed in the Season of the Lost, and Trials modes are changing frequently. Not to miss important information, we highly recommend to check our blog page for the latest updates. This is a high-stakes variant of the Crucible 3 vs. 3 games where you can get valuable weapons and armor. Players can play and increase their rank only on weekends. First that you need to do, is buy the Passage from Saint-14 in the Tower and track their matches. You can get the Masterwork materials, pinnacle gear, armor, weapons, and Adept rewards. If you complete the Trials of Osiris Flawless passage, you can get the Adept weapons, Trials of Osiris gear set, and unique rewards. This is the hardest type of Destiny 2 PvP game mode, and you can play in the competitive mode.

Players always face difficulties in winning 7 matches with no losses in this highly competitive weekend event, especially when their opponents are professional players or famous streamers. The fastest and the most efficient way to acquire desired loot and improve your PvP rank is to buy Destiny 2 PvP Boost service from professionals with years of experience in this field.

Trials of Osiris PvP Boost rewards

From the Trials of Osiris, you can get these rewards:

  • The Summoner Auto Rifle;
  • Igneous Hammer Legendary Energy Hand Cannon;
  • Messenger Legendary Kinetic Pulse Rifle;
  • Shayura’s Wrath Legendary Energy Submachine Gun;
  • Immortal Legendary Kinetic Submachine Gun;
  • Reed’s Regret Legendary Power Linear Fusion Rifle;
  • Resurrection’s Guide Exotic Sparrow;
  • Aisha’s Embrace Legendary Energy Scout Rifle;
  • Astral Horizon Legendary Kinetic Shotgun;
  • Trials of Osiris Armor Set;
  • Lantern Shell Exotic Ghost Shell;
  • Hushed Syrinx Exotic Ship;
  • Eye of Sol Legendary Kinetic Sniper Rifle;
  • Сataphract GL3 Legendary Grenade Launcher;
  • Exalted Truth Legendary Energy Hand Cannon;
  • In Memoriam Shell Exotic Ghost Shell;
  • Tomorrow’s Answer Legendary Rocket Launcher;
  • Incisor Legendary Kinetic Trace Rifle;
  • Unwavering Duty Legendary Machine Gun;
  • Whistler’s Whim Legendary Combat Bow;
  • Hero’s Wake Exotic Ghost Shell;
  • Yesterday’s Question Legendary Arc Heavy Burst Hand Cannon;
  • Aisha’s Care Strand Heavy Burst Pulse Rifle;
  • The Prophet Legendary Scout Rifle;
  • Survivor’s Journey Exotic Sparrow;
  • Valiant Memory Exotic Ship;
  • Unexpected Resurgence Legendary Energy Glaive;
  • The Inquisitor Legendary Energy Shotgun;
  • Forgiveness Legendary Sidearm;
  • Paradigm Shift Exotic Sparrow;
  • Winds of Change Exotic Ship;
  • Falcon’s Chase Exotic Sparrow.

If you need help to get any of these rewards, you can buy the Destiny 2 PvP Boost Service, and our pro team will complete all the hard farming to unlock the desired PvP weapons and other rewards for you.

Iron Banner

It is an activity that regularly appears in the game during the year, and it’s a good source for getting the best PvP and PvE weapons as well as unique armor set. Getting the reputation banner differs from other Destiny 2 PvP activities, ranking points that you can earn by playing more games, having more Iron Banner gear equipped, and activating your Iron Banner emblem. The important thing about Iron Banner is that you can get the weapons and focus on the desired using Iron Engrams. The weapons that players get from Iron Banner can’t be obtained from other players’ activities. From Iron Banner, you can drop such loot:

  • Iron Banner Armor set;
  • Saladin’s reputation rank;
  • Iron Lord Title;
  • Tinasha’s Mastery Legendary Kinetic Sidearm;
  • Claws of the Wolf Legendary Energy Pulse Rifle;
  • Sojourner’s Tale Legendary Energy Shotgun;
  • Chroma Rush Legendary Kinetic Auto Rifle;
  • Ignition Code Legendary Kinetic Grenade Launcher;
  • Gunnora’s Axe Legendary Energy Shotgun;
  • Allied Demand Legendary Kinetic Sidearm;
  • Iron Banner Engrams;
  • The Hero’s Burden Legendary Energy Submachine Gun;
  • Peacebond Legendary Kinetic Sidearm;
  • Archon’s Thunder Legendary Power Machine Gun;
  • Tusk of the Boar Legendary Kinetic Grenade Launcher;
  • Multimach CCX Legendary Kinetic Submachine Gun;
  • Point of the Stag Legendary Energy Combat Bow;
  • Riiswalker Legendary Kinetic Shotgun;
  • The Guiding Sight Legendary Kinetic Scout Rifle;
  • Crimil’s Dagger Legendary Kinetic Hand Cannon;
  • Lethal Abundance Legendary Kinetic Auto Rifle.

If you don’t have enough time to earn rewards, you can always rely on us and buy the Destiny 2 Boost Service, and our pro PvP players will complete the requirements for you and add the desired rank or rewards.

Crucible Competitive Mode

This is a Destiny 2 PvP combat between the Guardian where you can test your skills. By playing The Crucible, you can get lots of rewards and participate in different temporary events like Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris. You don’t need exceptional skills to play Crucible and enjoy PvP combat; you will still get exclusive rewards. The Crucible can give you lots of game modes with different mechanics where players can increase their Crucible ranks. You can drop random rewards from Crucible modes matches, here is the list:

  • Rose Legendary Kinetic Hand Cannon;
  • The Valor Rank;
  • Pitiless Competitive Emblem;
  • Deadlock Legendary Kinetic Shotgun;
  • Anonymous Autumn Legendary Energy Sidearm;
  • Vanguard Armor Set;
  • Crucible Armor Set;
  • Better Devils Legendary Kinetic Hand Cannon;
  • Retrofuturist Legendary Energy Shotgun;
  • Unending Tempest Legendary Kinetic Submachine Gun;
  • Randy’s Throwing Knife Legendary Kinetic Scout Rifle;
  • Autumn Wind Kinetic Pulse Rifle;
  • Blowout Legendary Power Rocket Launcher;
  • The Riposte Legendary Auto Rifle;
  • Belisarius-D Legendary Kinetic Pulse Rifle.

We can help you get any of these rewards. Rely on us and buy the Destiny 2 PvP boosting service, and our professional boosters will complete all the hard work for you.

What game modes does the Crucible have?

  • Control. Players will need to capture and hold the control points to earn the rank points. Also, you can get more points by killing the enemies.
  • Clash. This is a traditional team deathmatch mode, where your team needs to kill as many opponents as possible to reach the points. The only aim is to stay alive and defeat the enemy team.
  • Elimination. Here players have the round-based mode combat mode, whereas Guardians has restricted respawns. The purpose is to kill another team before they kill yours.
  • Survival. This game mode is similar to elimination, but here, you will share lives with other players. To win, you need to kill as many opponents as you can to deplete your lives.
  • Rumble. In this mode, single players will compete against each other to earn more points.
  • Control. This is a classic control mode where your team needs to take and hold the zones on the map; the team that has more points will win.
  • Mayhem. This is a chaotic mode where the abilities will recharge faster and have more heavy ammo spans to give you action-packed gameplay.
  • Showdown. This mode is similar to Clash, where you will need to defeat the enemy players to earn points.
  • Supremacy. In this Destiny 2 PvP Supremacy, your team needs to gather the crests that drop from opponents; by collecting, you will get the points, and this will prevent them from scoring.
  • Countdown. In this mode, one team must place the bomb, and the other must defend. For the other round, the roles will be switched.
  • Lockdown. A modified version of Control where teams must control three zones simultaneously to earn points. The team with the most points wins.
  • Breakthrough. The Team will attack the central zone to capture it and then defend. The aim of the attacking team is to capture the zone, and the other must prevent it.
  • Scorched. This is also similar to Clash, but here, your team will play with Scorch Cannons to defeat the opponents.

What is the Crucible ranking system?

In The Crucible, players can increase and decrease their rank. To upgrade your rank, you will need to get specified rank points by winning the games. The Crucible offers these ranks:

  • Copper III-I;
  • Bronze III-I;
  • Silver III-I;
  • Gold III-I;
  • Platinum III-I;
  • Adept III-I;
  • Ascendant III-I.


In the Gambit Destiny 2 PvP mode, the teams will need to kill the enemies to increase the bank and win the team that faster and summon one of the Primeval bosses after collecting 100 motes. The ranked system is called Infamy, and wins will provide you more points than defeats. After you reach the maximum Infamy ranks, you can reset it and get the reward. Here are the rewards that you can get from the Gambit matches:

  • Malfeasance Exotic Kinetic Hand Cannon;
  • Dredgen Title;
  • Bottom Dollar Legendary Energy Hand Cannon;
  • Servant Leader Legendary Scout Rifle;
  • Breakneck Legendary Power Rocket Launcher;
  • Gambit Armor Set;
  • Hush Legendary Energy Combat Bow;
  • Albruna-D Legendary Energy Sniper Rifle;
  • Trust Legendary Energy Hand Cannon;
  • Laser Painter Legendary Power Linear Fusion Rifle;
  • Qua Xaphan V Legendary Power Machine Gun.

If you want to get any of these rewards, you can buy our Destiny 2 PvP Boosting Service, and our pro team will complete all instructions to acquire the exclusive rewards for your Guardian collection.

What services are available for Destiny 2 PvP Boost?

In the PvP boosting category, you can choose the Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, Crucible, and Gambit activities. Our pro players can farm the specified weapons or activity armor for you. We can get you any desired rewards, just find the service that you need and click on the Buy Now button. Among other services, we can provide specific PvP boosting like Iron Banner Bundle Boost, where you can get the completing Iron Banner four times, Iron Banner Symmachy Armor set, and the reputation points for Iron Banner. Pay attention to The Trials of Osiris 2+2 Bundle service, here our professional will complete the Flawless Passage of Mercy 7-0 two times to unlock the 4 Adept Weapons, open two Lighthouse chests, have a chance to get unique exotic rewards Horus Shell Ghost, Hushed Syrinx Ship, or Falcon’s Chase Osiris Sparrow, and obtain two Adept weapons in a Trials of Osiris weekly rotation. In our Trials of Osiris Cosmetics Bundle Service you can get the random drop or current Ghost/Ship/Sparrow, many Trials of Osiris flawless runs, and reputation points. We provide different services for various client needs, such as Destiny 2 Crucible Ranks in Order and others.

How to get help with Destiny 2 Boost?

Players can buy the Destiny 2 PvP Boost to acquire coveted weapons without farming personally. This is the best option if you don't have enough free time to complete activities to unlock the desired rewards.

If you have any problems or questions, you can write in our online chat, Discord server, Telegram, WhatsApp, or Facebook, and our customer support team will help you. We are working around the clock and ready to help you at any time. Our team has extensive experience and is ready to farm your rewards and cover specific needs to guarantee satisfaction.

What is the difference between Sherpa and Recovery Modes?

We provide two modes: Self Play for those who want to play personally, explore the players compete and achieve greatness. Here, we will assist and help you during the farm. In the Piloted mode, you don't need to spend your personal time on Destiny 2 PvP matches; our tailored services will help you to get the desired rank or rewards to make you completely satisfied. You can increase your skills and get valuable rewards with our service.

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