What is Scarlet Monastery Dungeon Boost in WoW Season of Discovery?
Scarlet Monastery is an area that hosts a set of mid-game dungeons designed for players levels 24 to 39. The entrances to the SM dungeon wings are neatly packed in the northeastern corner of Tirisfal Glades, just outside Undercity.
The Scarlet Monastery dungeon is split into four wings: Graveyard, Armory, Library, and Cathedral. Each wing is designed for different player ranges and has enemies and bosses. Furthermore, the Scarlet Monastery Dungeon hosts some rare-spawn bosses, providing additional challenges and loot for lucky parties.
SoD Scarlet Monastery Bosses
The breakdown of SM bosses for each wing is as follows:
- Graveyard:
- Interrogator Vishas;
- Bloodmage Thalnos;
- Azshir the Sleepless (Rare);
- Fallen Champion (Rare);
- Ironspine (Rare).
- Library
- Houndmaster Loksey;
- Arcanist Doan;
- Armory
- Herod.
- Cathedral
- Scarlet Commander Mograine;
- High Inquisitor Whitemane;
- High Inquisitor Fairbanks.
How to get to Scarlet Monastery as an Alliance player in WoW Classic SoD?
If you’re Alliance, getting to Scarlet Monastery is not as convenient as it is for the horde. Since it’s an enemy territory, you’ll have to go on a bit of an expedition. Start in Southshore and head through the Alterac Mountains and follow the shore to the lake. From there, you can either swim across the lake and go all the way across Silverpine Forest and Tirisfall Glades.
What level should you run Scarlet Monastery?
For Scarlet Monastery, the recommended level depends on the wing you’d like to beat. Consult the following stats if you’d like to delve into the specifics:
- Graveyard: 24-36
- Library: 29-39
- Armory: 32-42
- Cathedral: 35-45
If you’re aiming for the most comfortable experience, just make sure that your level is somewhere in the middle of these ranges.
Why Choose Our Scarlet Monastery Boost?
Fed up with the hassle of putting a group together? Not in the mood to guide rookies through tactics? If you’re looking to breeze through dungeons fast and without any fuss, just buy our Scarlet Monastery boost. Our pros are here to help you tackle any challenge in the Season of Discovery. Hit us up in the support chat, and we’ll sort out all your queries and line up a run for you ASAP. It’s all about making your game time smooth and enjoyable.
There are multiple specific reasons to pick our Scarlet Monastery dungeon carry:
Expertise: With a decade of boosting experience, we’ve refined our processes to ensure we provide top-notch services swiftly and efficiently. Our seasoned approach guarantees you receive the best possible experience.
Value: We’re committed to offering our services at prices that reflect the time and effort required for completion. Additionally, we adjust our prices over the expansion’s lifecycle to remain competitive and ensure our services offer unparalleled value.
Smooth Experience: From start to finish, we prioritize communication, keeping you informed throughout the entire process. We facilitate direct contact with the team executing your run, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience. With our services, all you need to effortlessly defeat any and all SM bosses is to hit that purchase button.