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Wow Raid Boost & Carry

109 deals
  • No more wipes! Enjoy the raid content with pros!
  • Kill any boss and earn the most epic rewards! We will be there for you.
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  • The sea of gold coins is calling your name! We offer the best price on the market!
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  • Mythic dungeons are easy! We can prove that.
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Deals Filter
🔥️ HOT
Liberation of Undermine Normal
  • Up to ilvl 652 gear
  • Any bosses
  • Great Vault rewards
From 11$
🔥️ HOT
Liberation of Undermine Heroic
  • 649-665 ilvl gear
  • Ahead of the Curve
  • Various loot options
From 15$
Liberation of Undermine Heroic + Free Normal
  • Best Value
  • Defeat 8/8 bosses
  • Get 636-665 ilvl gear
From 52.90$
LoU Heroic and Mythic+ Dungeon
  • Heroic raid run
  • Mythic+ key included
  • High-level gear drops
From 66$
Liberation of Undermine 2+1 Bundle
  • 3 Raids for Price of 2
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • Any Difficulty Option
From 22$
🔥️ HOT
Gallywix Heroic
  • 658-669 ilvl gear
  • Chance for a mount
  • AotC FoS achievement
From 29$
Mythic 0 World Tour + LoU Raid
  • 8/8 Mythic 0 Dungeons
  • Normal or Heroic Raid
  • High-Level Gear Drops
From 51$
Gallywix Normal
  • 645-652 ilvl gear
  • LoU raid run
  • Chance to get a mount
From 6.50$
Glory of the Liberation of Undermine Raider
  • Meta-achievement
  • Epic ground mount
  • LoU Normal run
From 36$
Gallagio Loyalty Raid Renown
  • Unique bonus system
  • Any Renown level
  • LoU raid runs
From 98$
Seasonal Ultimate Bundle
  • Full Season Completion
  • PvE and PvP Rewards
  • Many Achievements
From 3,492$
Black Temple Timewalking
  • Chance to get glaves
  • Unique achievement
  • Raid loot
From 14.50$
LoU Single Bosses
  • Any boss kill
  • Selected difficulty
  • Raid gear
From 4.30$
Harbinger Crests
  • Selected amount
  • Desired Crests type
  • Mythic keystone runs
From 0.44$
Liberation of Undermine Heroic Battle Pass
  • Weekly Heroic raids
  • 610-626 ilvl gear
  • Some achievements
From 850$
Liberation of Undermine Full Gear
  • Any difficulty
  • Mount drop chance
  • Great Vault progress
From 910$
The Big G
  • New mount
  • New title
  • FoS achievement
From 1,790$
Gallywix Kill
  • LoU last boss defeat
  • Chosen difficulty
  • High-ilvl gear
From 49$
Liberation of Undermine Mythic
  • 662-678 ilvl gear
  • Cutting Edge achieve
  • Titles and mounts
From 480$
Gallywix Mythic
  • Cutting Edge achieve
  • Unique mythic mount
  • 672-678 ilvl gear
From 1,790$
Four steps to your first epic carry
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WoW Raid Boosting Services Explained

We designed our WoW raid boosts categories for all kinds of WoW raid carry services, so you could waste no more time waiting for a proper raid group to form.

Using any WoW raid boosting service from Epiccarry, you may get every reward you want. No matter how many raid bosses there are, what Warcraft raids you need, or what raid difficulty you are interested in, we have all kinds of raid services, including mounts, separate raid boss kills, achievements, and much more. Watch a full list of World of Warcraft raid carry offers below. 

The War Within Raid Boost Services

WoW The War Within expansion brought us a raid called the Liberation of Undermine. It has eight bosses, and has all usual raid variations: Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulties. The last boss is called Chrome King Gallywix. We offer World of Warcraft raid carry for this raid!

You can buy a WoW raid boost for any type of The War Within raid content. Go to the wow raid carry page, select a difficulty, set a number of loot traders, and check the raid calendar for World of Warcraft raid carry. Since a personal loot system has been replaced with former Need/Greed options, the presence of loot traders is much more important for example for heroic raid loot runs raid carry. Choose between wow raid carry loot distribution options we offer. Raid runs take place several times a day for EU and US regions, and last for only a few hours. WoW Mythic raid carry service is certainly, more time-consuming, but all raid members will get all the loot they want from wow raid difficulty they chose. There is no difference which difficulty to choose for your first wow raid carry though. With us you can jump into hardcore raid runs without grinding those raid mechanics and latest tactics. Basic understanding will be enough for WoW raid carry! We are your perfect solution to improve your world of warcraft gaming experience. Join the raid and get the latest expansion new tier full rewards from wow raid boosting. All the items you want will be yours, forget about pretty tiresome wipes. Simply buy wow raid boost services!

As of WoW The War Within raid boosts, we offer all wow raid difficulty levels for Liberation of Undermine raid carry runs, Glory of The Liberation of Undermine Raider, Liberation of Undermine Full Gear Boost, and the last raid boss Gallywix Kill Boost. We offer Normal raid carry, heroic tier raids hard boost and mythic tier raids extreme boosting. Normal tier raids unlike mythic tier raids offer the weakest raid bosses. Normal raid is the best for first visiting it, because even random raid group can beat the bosses after several wipes. Check out our calendar for currently available raids and keep in mind that weekly reset timer when buying raids and wow raid boosts. WoW boost raid gear is another option that you can check out!

Buy World of Warcraft Normal Raid Carry and get the best raid carry you can ever dream of! WoW mythic raid carry is also an option! buy raid carry wow to get raid gear after WoW raid runs! Trust us, you will never regret those WoW Raid Runs! Even if this is your first raid carry you will be glad you chose us! It is so surprising how those challenging raids stop being challenging raids.

With our raiding players you can buy wow raid to get rare mounts or complete wow mythic raid without usual hassle. And we bet you know how that Liberation of Undermine WoW Mythic Raid can be hard! Nerub’ar palace even sounds hard. We offer you to save time and complete challenging content on the highest difficulty. Imagine your friends’ faces when they find out that you have managed to complete challenging content on the highest difficulty! Without additional options you can customize raids in WoW. Simply buy heroic raid boost, show up on time and enjoy  your wow heroic new raid item level. Let us do it!

Apart from The War Within raid boost, EpicCarry offers other raid carry services for all expansions and other activities. For example getting you some high item level gear.

Full Gear WoW Carry Services

Farming cool gear from raid dungeons is an indispensable thing in the modern World of Warcraft raid inviroment. Everyone wants to have the best raid loot with high level armor possible and therefore visit WoW raids and large dungeons as often as they can. The higher the difficulty level of raiding content, the better the gear, so even though Heroic raids require less effort and time investment, Mythic variations are still the only working scheme. Such WoW raid carries as Glory of The Liberation of Undermine Raider, Liberation of Undermine Full Gear Boost, for example, are a perfect opportunity to avoid numerous raid runs hoping to get that one lasting piece of gear or high level rare trinkets duo to RNG loot distribution. Buying raids in wow today you are able to select a desirable number of additional loot traders and difficulty level to fasten the process of our professional wow raid services. Our professional players will gladly assist you with covering all your needs. No more time consuming wipes! Our experienced players bring your raiding experience to a whole new height.

Buying WoW raid boost and professional wow raid services you not only dress up your character, but get various achievements (if you haven’t collected them before) and all the loot on which you will win the roll. A personal loot system has been removed and now we have a good old Need & Greed scheme.

Buy WoW raid boost from EpicCarry to be among the best players in your realm. No need to give us your personal data (if you choose a self-play option); also, no worries about the security of your account (if a piloted mode is used). We do our boosting manually without any programs or third-party personas, only Real experienced players. 

WoW Raid Mounts Carry Service

Everyone has mounts of this or that kind; but not everyone may boast about having mounts they would truly like to gain. The most beautiful and unique mounts are more often found in WoW raids; and, as luck would have it, you can’t find them in Heroic difficulty raids, only in Mythic.

The mount WoW raid service specializes in rare transport that drops from the last boss in this or that Mythic raid. Surely, you may hope on accidentally getting such a mount doing ordinary Mythic raid boosts, and the precedents exist, but it is more resulting to buy a special option, where our booster will chase a single (usually the last) boss, until you will get what you want. You can visit WoW AoTC carry page to find more about the achievement and its rewards. Check out Ascendant Skyrazor Boost page!

World of Warcraft Mount Mythic raid boost is the best way to get Keys to the Big G from Chrome King Gallywix, spending a minimum amount of your time and energy. No account sharing is required, as you will rule over your character (in case the self-play option is selected, which we highly recommend).

Glory of the Rider Achievements Boost

A usual raid run includes loot and kill credit achievements (if you don’t have them yet) – that’s pretty much it. There is no way you can get a Glory of the Raider meta-achievement by just visiting WoW raids. However, a special WoW Heroic raid boost will cover your achievements’ thirst.

Our team of extremely professional players invites you to a special raid run that aims GotR achievements completion. Choose an instance, and just don’t be late for your raid boosting time. You will also get all the raid loot that drops to you directly, so you win just by participating. We may visit old raids to complete achievement there, for example. WoW raid boost services is a perfect opportunity to catch up on the content you have missed for some reason.

Apart from GotR, you may order raid-specific achievements in case you are stuck somewhere and need help.

You can also take a look at our wow cutting edge boost!

Transmogrification WoW Raid Boost

This WoW raid boost service is designed for those players who like collecting the best gear from various in-game activities in general, and from raids specifically. No hard full control or high item level of your character required. You may choose any legacy or actual instance and join our raid groups to get the appearance you want. Such WoW raid carries are done on Mythic difficulty, thus the raid loot and the tier appearance could be of a highest quality and beauty.

Obviously, there isn’t any sense in waiting for all mythic raids to become soloable – some will stay tough for a long time. It is much easier and faster to find full raid loot runs or to buy WoW raid carry services, which is even better, as there surely will be no delays or unnecessary wipes.

Make a notice, however, that such raid boost offers are genuine only for WoW retail – the Classic versions of the game do not have transmogrification options.

WoW Timewalking Boost

Some WoW raids turned out so memorable that it would be a waste of work to just forget them. The Black Temple is one of such raid dungeons indeed. Even more famous this instance makes its final boss – Illidan Stormrage, the one who still thinks we are not ready. Nonetheless, champions of Azeroth still enter this World of Warcraft raid to show the betrayer what they are made of.

Surely, the original Black Temple is too easy for modern days, so the Timewalking version was created. All the loot is scaled up to the competitive figures, so raid loot runs are possible.

Black Temple is not the only Timewalking zone available; players may visit a different raid within this event. EpicCarry is ready to lead you through all WoW raids, which count into Timewalking. Check raid calendar, to learn when the next raid carry takes place. Such type of raid boosting services is a very pleasant way of spending time as you may experience each raid boss’ fight the way it used to be many years ago.

WoW Raids VIP Boosting Services

Did you ever dream of having full raid runs just at your disposal? If so, we’ve got an offer that will satisfy your wishes. Here you may have any number of loot traders; this option is especially important since the personal loot system was substituted with a Greed/Need thing.

Using the VIP option, you may go for a Liberation of Undermine raid run on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic WoW carry services. If you do not need this particular World of Warcraft instance, pick another one. You have all the WoW raids in the world to visit. Check out WoW PVE Boost page to find more offers.

No account sharing or raid calendar for this option – you are the boss, and you decide what kind of WoW raid carry you want. Click the buy WoW carry link to find out more services we can provide!

WoW Raid Carry Bundles

Various bundles always stay actual due to their capacity. Let us imagine you have completely missed some expansion, and to understand what is going on in a current raid in The War Within, and you need to catch up a little. The old raid boost bundle is exactly what you need in such a situation. This boosting option will help you to visit all previous instances on a chosen raid difficulty, kill all the bosses you need, and get all the rewards you want.

If you have started WoW raids recently, you may be interested in All Expansions Raid Bundle. This is a great start for every future World of Warcraft champion! Together with our team of professional boosters, you will go through all expansions and legacy raids in no time! This would be the best capsule for the history of Azeroth!

How Long Does a WoW Raid Take?

The time you will spend in this or that WoW raid varies, depending on the complexity of the raid, the number of bosses, the amount of DPS, and, of course, the qualification of your team. The easier a given raid, the less time you will spend there. If we take the normal difficulty for the latest Liberation of Undermine raid, you may be stuck there for six hours or even more. However, the Liberation of Undermine boost from EpicCarry decreases this figure to 4 hours. The boost can be finished even faster if you don't need to kill all the bosses or share World of Warcraft raid loot during raid carry services.

Choose only specific bosses to kill and wow carry raid will be way more faster and will be finished at a right time! Note that new raid can last longer and wow heroic raid is faster than raid boost in mythic option. But with raiding experience things become faster over time. For example when Liberation of Undermine was released it took up to 3 hours to finish the raid. Now we can finish Liberation of Undermine raid boost in hour and a half! So yeah, world of warcraft raiding experience matters!

What is The Current Raid in WoW?

The War Within expansion was released in August 2024 and has one major raids so far. It is Liberation of Undermine. It offers the best gear, highest item level and has Gallywix as a final boss. We still provide WoW Shadowlands Raid Boost services! They can be found in our Legacy section.

How Does WoW Raid Boost Work?

First, you need to find a raid carry service you are interested in and make a custom order. For example you want normal raid boost. Find a suitable time for you using our raid calendar. Runs always start at a scheduled time. You may choose between a Self-Play Mode or Piloted Mode. Self-Play means you will rule your alter-ego, while Piloted mode means we will do it for you. Note that you will have to share your Battle Net login and password with us if you prefer the Piloted variation.

What is the Best Boosting Service for WoW?

The one that has years of successful work and thousands of satisfied customers, who often return to get another raid carry boost. EpicCarry works with professional gamers only who have years of raiding experience. New content isn't an obstruction to us, for we know how the game works and what to expect from a next expansion.

We do not present our clients' data to anybody; all our routes are safe. We use the region VPN according to the client's wishes. No programs or bots; everything is done by hand only.

Can I Buy Raid Gear?

Yes, sure. You need to select a WoW instance in the gear you are interested in, set a boost using our raid calendar, discuss the details with the support team, and wait for the invitation. A raid run occurs several times a day, depending on the region. Use either self-play or piloted mode; both variants are equally good.

Note, however, that the personal loot system was replaced with the Need over Greed feature, meaning you might not have what you need if you lose the roll.

What is Boosting in WoW?

Boosting is a tremendous variety of paid services where you can have literary whatever you want. Mounts, achievements, gear, whole raids or any raid boss in particular. Here anything is possible: from a single dungeon on Normal difficulty or even a particular quest to the hardest actual Mythic raids. Voice your desires.

How Many People Do You Need for Mythic Difficulty Raids?

Right now, Mythic raids require from 10 to 30 people in a party. The more players you have, the tougher will be bosses and the more trash mobs you are going to meet inside the instance. The amount of health is also increasing together with the number of participants. Luckily, bosses drop more loot as well. Well, if the last statement was not true, we would have endless queues in raids, which is surely not the thing we need.

What is Gold Boosting in WoW?

This is a type of boosting that is usually used inside the game. One players pay others for the completion of certain in-game tasks and pay for it with in-game currency, Gold coins, instead of real money. Such boosting is very popular, but you must remember that prices are high and you will have to farm gold additionally.

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