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Battle Gargon Silessa is a rare mount that can be obtained through the Broken Mirror system in Revendreth. However, farming for this mount can be time-consuming and frustrating. That’s where our Battle Gargon Silessa Boosting Services come in to save the day!
This boost will be completed in Piloted mode.
Please keep in mind that the Battle Gargon Silessa mount drop rate is random and can vary greatly. While we cannot guarantee that you will obtain the mount within a certain timeframe, our boosting service will greatly increase your chances of obtaining it.
Level 80 character. Use our TWW leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.
Please disconnect the Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.
Study this well-organized outline to earn the Battle Gargon Silessa Mount:
To access the Broken Mirror system and obtain the Battle Gargon Silessa mount, you must be a Venthyr Covenant member. If you are not currently a member of this Covenant, you will need to join them first.
Once you have joined the Venthyr Covenant, you must upgrade the Mirror Network to Rank 3. This will allow you to repair the Broken Mirrors and access the Forgotten Chests, where the Battle Gargon Silessa mount can be found.
There are 12 Broken Mirrors in Revendreth, each part of a group of 3 mirrors. The groups of mirrors are randomly assigned each week, so there is no set location for the Broken Mirrors. However, the mirrors in each group are always near each other, so finding one mirror will give you a good idea of where the other two in the group are located.
Once you have found a Broken Mirror, you must repair it. To repair the mirror, you must use 1 Infused Ruby, which can be obtained by completing activities in Revendreth. Once you have repaired the mirror, you can access the Forgotten Chest that is linked to that mirror.
After repairing the Broken Mirror, you can loot the Forgotten Chest to see if you have obtained the Battle Gargon Silessa mount. Note that the drop rate for the mount is fairly low, so you may need to repair multiple mirrors before you obtain it.
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