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WoW Legendary Weapons Boost

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World of Warcraft is a unique MMORPG with almost two decades of rich lore and history behind its back. Almost every item, weapon, or armor piece available in the game has a deep connection with the Azeroth, telling players a little bit about its origins. However, this wide selection of rare legendary items is hidden behind a whole plethora of gameplay barriers, including convoluted quests, dungeons, raids, and other grind and farm-inducing activities.

While it makes sense to hide all the uniqueness behind difficult content – it’s precisely what makes it unique, after all, it’s still rather hurtful to miss on some amazing legendary weapons and items waiting for you to collect them. If you’re suffering from a lack of free time, or simply want to skip the content you dislike all the while obtaining all the legendary weapons World of Warcraft has to offer – use our WoW Legendary Items boost service, and get whatever weapon for your character stress and farm-free right now! With fair prices and flexible payment methods too.

Legendary Weapons

Most of World of Warcraft’s legendary weapons are obtained from raid bosses, either as an extremely rare drop or locked behind a series of complicated requirements. The best example of this is the infamous Lich King’s battle axe – the Shadowmourne. To obtain this mythic WoW legendary, one should complete not one, not two, but nine quests, some of which include farming Shadowfrost Shards from the Icecrown Citadel – an extremely challenging PvE activity meant for the experienced, hardened players. Others will have you killing raid bosses while following some obscure rules such as the Blood Infusion quest, where powerful Blood Queen Lana’thel must be stained while carrying a Vampire Curse – one quite unpleasant debuff, that increases the damage dealt and received by your character. Our Shadowmourne boost services take care of all that, though, saving you a lot of time and effort.

Our Boosting Service will assist you with obtaining legendary weapons, taking all the over-engineered encounters and lengthy quest chains off your shoulders, while you enjoy the content that you like. Using our WoW legendary weapons services, you can obtain the following weapons without grind and farm:

  1. Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros;
  2. Val’anyr, Hammer of the Ancient King;
  3. Warglaives of Azzinoth;
  4. Shadowmourne;
  5. Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury;
  6. Golad, Twilight of Aspects, and Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages;
  7. Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker;
  8. Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest;
  9. Rae’shalare Death’s Whisper.

Each of the listed legendary weapons is a testament to World of Warcraft’s rich lore and history, giving its wielder some sort of a legendary ability associated with the weapon’s origins and the owner. Legendary items transmog boost is included, giving you the ability to equip the legendary items on other characters in your Warband, covering your boring gear and weapons with a nice and epic flare of WoW legendaries. Collect all legendary items with our boost services!

Legendary Items and Quests

The aforementioned Blood Infusion quest will test the patience of even the most resilient and experienced players of World of Warcraft, and you’ll absolutely have to have it completed to obtain Shadowmourne WoW legendary. Your quest log will look ghastly by the time you complete the final part of this long and tedious chain of tasks. Yes, Lich King’s battle axe is indeed one of the most famous WoW legendary items, but does it have to be so unpleasant? Our Blood Infusion Quest Boost service will take this quest off your hands, allowing you to hunt for legendaries that are actually fun to obtain.

Take The Underlight Angler, for example – one of the most infuriating WoW legendary items, with its quest chain requiring you to run all around Broken Isles, hunting for rare fish. Some quality fishing pond time is the least of your troubles when obtaining legendaries, sure, but if it’s the profit you’re looking for, and not the tranquility of kicking back for a while, picking bait, and waiting for a perfect moment to reel, then the entire ordeal will turn into a pure hell. Thankfully, our WoW Underlight Angler Boost service takes care of that for you, providing you with a complete fishing experience without all the tedium and grind, with fair prices and various payment methods boosting your experience even further!

Are legendary transmogrifications available for all other characters of my Warband, or only the one who has obtained them?

Fortunately, once the gauntlet of obtaining the WoW legendary is completed, the corresponding item's transmogrification becomes available for your entire Warband, opening many stylish opportunities to role-play your favorite legendary World of Warcraft characters. Our boost services will provide you with every World of Warcraft legendary there is, allowing you to match their outfits without worrying about your free time being the payment.

Is there a limit to how many legendaries I can equip on my character?

Thanks to our boost services and Patch 9.2 of Shadowlands expansion, you can equip up to two legendaries on your character. They can match, too. Warglaives of Azzinoth, for example, consist of two identical twin blades for the main and off-hand. So are the Fangs of the Father. Use our boost services to obtain either without stress!

What if I've completed some of the stages required to obtain a certain legendary?

Good for you! Let us know, and we'll adjust your boost service accordingly. Our booster will take less time to complete your boost service, and you'll receive your legendary much faster. It works for other things as well, by the way. Have anything to say about our services or want to adjust your boost service? Make sure to let us know and we'll figure something out.

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