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WoW Farming Service

39 deals
  • No more wipes! Enjoy the raid content with pros!
  • Kill any boss and earn the most epic rewards! We will be there for you.
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  • Need gold? We've got plenty for sale!
  • The sea of gold coins is calling your name! We offer the best price on the market!
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  • Mythic dungeons are easy! We can prove that.
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🔥️ HOT
Tier 3 Transmog
  • Class-specific
  • Feat of Strength
  • No resources required
From 31$
Harbinger Crests
  • Selected amount
  • Desired Crests type
  • Mythic keystone runs
From 0.43$
Valorstones Farm
  • Any Valorstone amount
  • World quests done
  • Extra rewards possible
From 13$
Restored Coffer Keys
  • Selected amount
  • Treasures access
  • Performing activities
From 8.60$
Skyriding Glyphs
  • All Skyriding Glyphs
  • Swarmite mount
  • Meta-achievement
From 8$
Flame-Blessed Iron
  • Siren Isle currency
  • Access to 584 ilvl gear
  • Cosmetic rewards
From 4.50$
Mereldar Derby Marks
  • Currency farmed
  • Derby Dash progress
  • Buy cosmetics & items
From 9.50$
Undercoin Farm
  • Warband currency
  • Many Delves runs
  • Delves rewards
From 42$
Kej Currency
  • Azj-Kahet currency
  • Activities done
  • Other loot earned
From 4.60$
Resonance Crystals
  • Any crystal amount
  • Buy Renown rewards
  • All loot included
From 13$
Daily and World Quests
  • Quests completed
  • Gold & loot earned
  • TWW reputation
From 9$
Personal Driver
  • Professional assistance
  • Tedious tasks done
  • Expert players
From 5$
Trader’s Tender
  • Special cosmetics
  • Seasonal rewards
  • Unique mounts
From 18.90$
Island Expeditions
  • Mythic Expeditions
  • Heart of Azeroth boost
  • Chance for mounts
From 2.20$
Dragon Racing
  • Get meta-achiev
  • Customize drake
  • Isles Racer title
From 13$
Zskera Vault Keys
  • Any number of keys
  • Expert guidance
  • Fast service
From 5$
Paracausal Flakes
  • Time Rift crrency
  • Rewards unlocked
  • Soridormi rep
From 5$
Personal Booster Subscription
  • Lucrative deal
  • Expert assistance
  • 24/7 support
From 699$
Elemental Overflow Farm
  • Dragonflight currency
  • Toys and gear access
  • Mounts access
From 1$
Mysterious Fragment Farm
  • Azerothian Archives
  • Archives currency
  • Random loot & gold
From 5$
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Sometimes, when playing World of Warcraft, there comes a point when you have to grind a lot and hard to get new results. This can be, for example, upgrading your gear or buying new mounts for your collection. The grinding process is not very interesting for many people. You can get rid of the long and monotonous grind with the help of Epiccarry services. On our website, you can find offers for every taste, from grinding the current expansion to old content. The Epiccarry team is ready to help you with tasks of any complexity and make your game less boring. If you have any questions about our services, do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. Our managers are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and are always ready to help you.

Farming for Gear Upgrade

To improve your gear, you need Harbinger Crests and Valorstones. Depending on what ilvl you want to improve your item to, you will need a different amount of valorstones. Harbinger Crests come in four varieties and are obtained depending on the difficulty of the activity. The higher the ilvl you want to get, the better the Crest you need. Epiccarry will help you farm everything you need to improve your gear.

Skyriding Glyphs

Skyriding Glyphs Farm is an important process that awaits every new player in The War Within. Throughout Khaz Algar, you can find 72 Skyriding Glyphs that will allow you to improve your skyriding mount and unlock new talents for it. You will need to collect them all if you want to move around new locations at maximum speed. Luckily, you do not need to collect Glyphs on your alts. Once you collect glyphs on your main character, they will become available to your alts as well.

Restored Coffer Keys

Restored Coffer Keys are needed by players who are going to claim all the rewards from Delves, a new PvE activity that appeared in The War Within expansion. In Delves, you can find special closed chests that can contain both regular currency and unique cosmetic rewards. Our professional boosters can help you get the weekly maximum of keys and gain access to cool rewards that are hidden in the depths of Delves.

Trader’s Tender Farming

The Dragonflight expansion has a special activity, Trading Post. Here, you can buy unique cosmetic items, mounts, or pets. Every month, the range of goods is updated. All purchases on the Trading Post are made for a special currency – Trader’s Tender. This is exactly what we will help you get. Every month, you receive tasks related to activities, events, weekly tasks, reputation raising, etc. Entrust all the work to professionals who will earn the monthly cap of Trader’s Tender for you in the shortest possible time and receive a unique reward, which is also updated every month.

Currencies Farming

Different factions are ready to sell their goods only for their special currency. Often, among their assortment, you can find unique mounts or cosmetic items. We can help you farm any desired currency, regardless of whether it relates to the current The War Within or to any of the previous expansions. If you cannot find the currency you are interested in, you can contact our manager via online chat, and we will help you create a custom order.

What are the main currencies used in the expansion of The War Within?

Among the currencies that appeared in The War Within Expansion, there are 3: Resonance Crystals, Kej and Undercoin. You can use them to buy various new mounts or cosmetic items. On our website, you can find offers that will help you farm the desired amount of these currencies.

What is the monthly cap for Trader's Tender?

Usually the monthly cap on Trader's Tender is 1000. However, there were months when the cap was increased to 1800. This is decided individually for each month.

What types of Harbinger Crests can you get in The War Within Season 1?

There are four types of Harbinger Crests in The War Within Season 1. Each of them can be obtained in different ways. The more valuable the Crest, the harder it is to receive. Below, you can see the entire list of Harbinger Crests and methods for obtaining them:

  • Weathered Harbinger Crest — To get this type of Crest, you need to perform outdoor activities, complete Heroic dungeons, or defeat bosses in the LFR difficulty of Nerub'ar Palace;
  • Carved Harbinger Crest — To obtain this type of Crest, you need to perform some outdoor activities, complete mythic dungeons, up to Mythic+3 keystones, or defeat bosses in the Normal difficulty of Nerub'ar Palace;
  • Runed Harbinger Crest — To get this type of Crest, you need to complete Mythic keys from 4 to 8 levels or defeat bosses in the Heroic difficulty of Nerub'ar Palace;
  • Gilded Harbinger Crest — To receive this type of Crest, you must complete Mythic keystones from 9 levels and higher or defeat bosses in the Mythic difficulty of Nerub'ar Palace.
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